Temporomandibular joint disorders (ATM)

It acts like a sliding hinge, connecting the jaw to the skull. You have a joint on each side of the jaw, they can cause pain in the jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement.

Often the cause of temporomandibular dysfunction is a combination of muscle tension and anatomical problems within the joints, these structures include:

  • Cartilaginous disc in the joint.
  • Muscles of the jaw, face and neck
  • Nearby ligaments, blood vessels and nerves
  • Teeth

Some causes given for this condition have not been well proven. They include:

A bad bite or orthodontic appliances.

Sometimes a psychological component is also involved, as well as other factors. Symptoms may be brought on by clenching and grinding, bruxism or systemic diseases (such as osteopenia, autoimmune disorders, connective system disorders or genetic bone disorders), infections, injuries, dental misalignment or even constant chewing of gum.

People with temporomandibular disorders often have difficulty opening their mouth fully. For example, most people without TMD can effortlessly place the tips of their index, middle and ring fingers horizontally in the space between the upper and lower incisors. This space is usually noticeably smaller in people with these disorders (with the exception of hypermobility).

Pain in the jaw may disappear with little or no treatment. Treatment may involve the application of simple practices, for example, eating soft foods or applying ice. But it may also require the use of painkillers or devices to be placed in the mouth. The dentist will assess the situation of each patient to recommend the application of conservative treatments or the use of surgery.

Simple, gentle therapies are usually recommended first.

  • Soft diet to soothe joint inflammation.
  • Learn how to gently stretch, relax or massage the muscles around your jaw.
  • Surgical Treatments

– Arthroscopy: An intra-articular camera (arthroscope) may be inserted to allow the surgeon to examine the joint, remove inflammatory tissue and manipulate structures.

– Open surgery: If the patient has a tumor in the joint it may be necessary to perform open surgery on the joint so that the specialist can have access to the inside and remove the damaged tissue.

Because at IDEAL DENTAL we care about people’s well being and we know that we can greatly improve their quality of life.

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