Is it safe to travel to México?

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This topic has been important in recent years because, although the United States has classified Mexico as a dangerous country, we do not carry firearms in our country (Mexico) as special permits are required, which are not readily available.

So, if you decide to travel for dental treatment, you have options from the central part of the country to the southeast, avoiding the border region as much as possible (Los Algodones, Tijuana, Tamaulipas, Nogales, Cd. Juárez, etc.). And to ensure a safer stay, you can do it securely in Mexico City or in Merida, Yucatan.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Invisalign Treatment

It is an invisible orthodontic system capable of straightening your teeth in a gentle, comfortable

Dental Services

Mexico has become one of the global leaders in dental tourism, especially for patients from


#1 Dental Choice in Mexico

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