It is a bacterial infectious disease that affects the supporting tissues of the tooth, progressing slowly from the most superficial gums to the deepest bone. It has periods of exacerbation and remission, but can reach irreversible stages, where the teeth are mobile and must be extracted.
Gingivitis causes inflammation of the gums and their bleeding, this condition is mainly caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque at the gum line, if not properly removed, the plaque hardens and turns into tartar, irritating and inflaming the gums,
Periodontitis, on the other hand, is a deeper infection that affects not only the gums, but also the alveolar bone and periodontal ligament, the tissues that hold the teeth in place. As the disease progresses, the pockets between the gums and teeth become deeper, the bone is resorbed, and the teeth may loosen and even fall out.
The depth of the patient’s periodontal pockets is measured with an instrument called a periodontal probe, i.e. how much damage the disease has done tooth by tooth.
Symptom phase
The first phase is gingivitis, which is always preceded by a phase of inflammation of the soft tissue (gingiva), caused by the presence of bacterial plaque.
Then is the initial periodontitis is the accumulation of plaque and bacterial attack persists, chronic irritation and inflammation will produce the destruction, usually irreversible, of the bone that supports the tooth.
The third step is moderate periodontitis in which the gum recedes and the bacteria destroy one third of the bone that supports the tooth.
Finally we have advanced periodontitis where there has been a loss of the insertion level of more than half of the root surface. The tooth may become mobile and unstable and may even fall out spontaneously.
In the treatment of gingivitis, proper oral hygiene on the part of the patient is essential to obtain optimal results over time. In periodontitis there is a high bacterial presence in the mouth, which can cause blood circulation causing other general disorders.
The treatment of periodontitis is more complex than the treatment of gingivitis and consists of two phases:
In the first phase, the bacteria that remain in the generated periodontal pockets are eliminated, through a system of scaling and root planing.
In the second phase, in the case of advanced periodontitis and being necessary to regenerate the lost bone, we must intervene with periodontal surgery.
Because at IDEAL DENTAL we care about people’s well being and we know that we can greatly improve their quality of life.
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